28 June 2015

Thinnest bulb in the world

On 6/28/2015
Scientists have demonstrated, for the first time, an on-chip visible light source using graphene as a filament. They attached small strips of graphene to metal electrodes, suspended the strips above the substrate, and passed a current through the filaments to cause them to heat up. This was achieved by James Hone’s group at Columbia Engineering, a team of scientists from Columbia University, Seoul National University (SNU), and Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), led by Young Duck Kim, a postdoctoral research scientist.

Wang Fon-Jen professor of mechanical engineering at Columbia Engineering and co-author of the study said that “We’ve created what is essentially the world’s thinnest light bulb,”.“This new type of ‘broadband’ light emitter can be integrated into chips and will pave the way towards the realization of atomically thin, flexible, and transparent displays, and graphene-based on-chip optical communications" he added.

For developing fully integrated “photonic” circuits, creating light in small structures on the surface of a chip is crucial. In spite of huge amount of efforts from researchers, they still haven't developed, a way to put the oldest and simplest artificial light source the incandescent light bulb onto a chip. This is because of the reason that light bulb filaments must be extremely hot nearly thousands of degrees Celsius in order to glow in the visible range but micro-scale metal wires cannot withstand such temperatures, in addition to that heat transfer from the hot filament to its surroundings is extremely efficient at the microscale, which makes such structures impractical and leads to damage of the surrounding chip.

By measuring the spectrum of the light emitted from the graphene, the team was able to show that the graphene was reaching temperatures of above 2,500 C, hot enough to glow brightly. Kim, first and co-lead author on the paper said “The visible light from atomically thin graphene is so intense that it is visible even to the naked eye, without any additional magnification,”.

Interestingly, the spectrum of the emitted light showed peaks at specific wavelengths, which the team discovered was due to interference between the light emitted directly from the graphene and light reflecting off the silicon substrate and passing back through the graphene. Kim notes, “This is only possible because graphene is transparent, unlike any conventional filament, and allows us to tune the emission spectrum by changing the distance to the substrate.”

As graphene heats up, it becomes a much poorer conductor of heat. This means that the high temperatures stay confined to a small “hot spot” in the center, due to this property graphene is able to achieve high temperatures without melting the substrate or the metal electrodes. Myung-Ho Bae, a senior researcher at KRISS and co-lead author said " At the highest temperatures, the electron temperature is much higher than that of acoustic vibrational modes of the graphene lattice, so that less energy is needed to attain temperatures needed for visible light emission,”.“These unique thermal properties allow us to heat the suspended graphene up to half of the temperature of the sun, and improve efficiency 1000 times, as compared to graphene on a solid substrate," he added.

Yun Daniel Park, professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Seoul National Univ. and co-lead author, notes that they are working with the same material that Thomas Edison used when he invented the incandescent light bulb: “Edison originally used carbon as a filament for his light bulb and here we are going back to the same element, but using it in its pure form—graphene—and at its ultimate size limit—one atom thick.”

The group is currently working to further characterize the performance of these devices—for example, how fast they can be turned on and off to create “bits” for optical communications—and to develop techniques for integrating them into flexible substrates.

Hone adds, “We are just starting to dream about other uses for these structures—for example, as micro-hotplates that can be heated to thousands of degrees in a fraction of a second to study high-temperature chemical reactions or catalysis.”

Source: R&D Magzine

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15 June 2015

What is a Digital Oscilloscopes??

On 6/15/2015
Oscilloscopes are one of the basic requirement for any individual or firm involved with electronics. An oscilloscope which is also called as scope, is a type of electronic test equipment that allows signal voltages to be viewed, usually as a 2-D graph of one or more electrical potential differences (vertical axis) plotted as a function of time or of some other, voltage (horizontal axis).

It is a device with a wide array of uses, but mainly used to measures electrical signals, these signals are then represented in an interpretable and measurable format. For years, analogue oscilloscopes have provided this function. In modern times though, the more technologically advanced digital oscilloscope has replaced it.


A digital oscilloscope (DSO) depicts the electrical signals in the form of a graphical illustration.A DSO measures the signal, and then converts that measurement into a digital format using an ADC converter, after which the data measured is depicted as a digital waveform representation. A large variety of oscilloscopes are available in a range of sizes from the more traditional bench oscilloscopes to lightweight, portable oscilloscopes which are usually battery powered. 

DSO have a wider range of functions than their analog counterparts which includes the ability to not just measure waveforms, but display them, store them, provide waveform processing, analysis and more. In general, DSO comes equipped with multiple input slots too, which allows the oscilloscope to make simultaneous readings of different devices simultaneously.

Applications of digital oscilloscopes
Due to their flexibility and resourcefulness, digital oscilloscopes are used in a variety of vocations and industries. Here are some of the applications of oscilloscopes.
  • Oscilloscopes are used in the automotive field to assess the amount of vibrations a vehicle is causing, which helps the mechanic or manufacturer determine how effective the damping on the vehicle is, or if there are any structural defects.
  • Another popular use of oscilloscopes is to measure seismic activity such as earthquakes, tremors and the shifting of seismic plates. Scientists and researchers working in the study of seismology find use for digital oscilloscopes regularly.
  • In the world of music and sound, oscilloscopes are used to calculate the vibrating frequency and strength of sound waves. This helps them to determine the quality and reach of the audio, and is used in a variety of scenarios such as live shows, audio recording, television 
  • Oscilloscopes also find function in the area of electricity and electronics. The quality and proficiency of power-based machines and systems are measured using oscilloscopes. Digital oscilloscopes are also used to trouble shoot such devices, as it can determine if there are issues in the flow of electricity within the devices.
  • The most widely recognized use of an oscilloscope is in ECG or electrocardiography machines. Commonly seen in hospitals and used to measure the patient’s heart-rate, ECG machines are also used on pregnant women to measure the heartbeat of their infants.
The price of a DSO depends upon its functionality. The more high-end devices such as 6 GHz oscilloscopes and above can be quite expensive to purchase new, and can be rented from electronics test and measurement suppliers like Tektronix, TRS RenTelco, Rohde & Schwarz, Teledyne LeCroy, Keysight and others who offer rent, lease and sale options on this equipment. Although, trade of used digital oscilloscopes also occurs across the nation, meaning cheaper, second-hand alternatives can be found based on the buyer’s budget.
Source: R&D Magzine

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13 June 2015

Now Computation can be done using water droplets

On 6/13/2015
Computers and water typically don't mix,  but in Manu Prakash's lab at Stanford, engineers have developed a computer that operates using the unique physics of moving water droplets. 

The computer was made from an idea which struck Prakash when he was just a student. The work combines his expertise in manipulating droplet fluid dynamics with a fundamental element of computer science  an operating clock. "In this work, we finally demonstrate a synchronous, universal droplet logic and control," Prakash said. The droplet computer can theoretically perform any operation that a conventional electronic computer can  and that is because of the universal the nature of water.

Prakash also said " We already have digital computers to process information. Our goal is not to compete with electronic computers or to operate word processors on this".  "Our goal is to build a completely new class of computers that can precisely control and manipulate physical matter. Imagine if when you run a set of computations that not only data is processed but physical matter is algorithmically manipulated as well. We have just made this possible at the mesoscale" he added.

Ever since Prakash was in graduate school this idea was nagging him, Eventually, Prakash decided to build a rotating magnetic field that could act as clock to synchronise all the droplets. The idea showed promise, and in the early stages of the project, Prakash recruited Georgios Katsikis, the first author on the paper. 

Computer clocks are responsible for nearly every modern convenience. Smartphones, DVRs, airplanes, the Internet - without a clock, none of these could operate without frequent and serious complications. Nearly every computer program requires several simultaneous operations, each conducted in a perfect step-by step manner. A clock makes sure that these operations start and stop at the same times, thus ensuring that the information synchronises. 

Clock for a fluid-based computer needs to be easy to manipulate, and also able to influence multiple droplets at a time. A large number of droplets could communicate amongst each other without skipping a beat.Katsikis and Prakash built arrays of tiny iron bars on glass slides that look something like a Pac-Man maze. They laid a blank glass slide on top and sandwiched a layer of oil in between. Then they carefully injected into the mix individual water droplets that had been infused with tiny magnetic nanoparticles. 

Next, they turned on the magnetic field. Every time the field flips, the polarity of the bars reverses, drawing the magnetized droplets in a new, predetermined direction, like slot cars on a track. Every rotation of the field counts as one clock cycle, like a second hand making a full circle on a clock face, and every drop marches exactly one step forward with each cycle. 

A camera records the interactions between individual droplets, allowing observation of computation as it occurs in real time. The presence or absence of a droplet represents the 1's and 0's of binary code, and the clock ensures that all the droplets move in perfect synchrony, and thus the system can run virtually forever without any errors. 

Katsikis said "Following these rules, we've demonstrated that we can make all the universal logic gates used in electronics, simply by changing the layout of the bars on the chip,". "The actual design space in our platform is incredibly rich. Give us any Boolean logic circuit in the world, and we can build it with these little magnetic droplets moving around" he added.

The current chips are about half the size of a postage stamp, and the droplets are smaller than poppy seeds, but Katsikis said that the physics of the system suggests it can be made even smaller. Combined with the fact that the magnetic field can control millions of droplets simultaneously, this makes the system exceptionally scalable. 

 Jim Cybulski graduate student and co-author said "We can keep making it smaller and smaller so that it can do more operations per time, so that it can work with smaller droplet sizes and do more number of operations on a chip,". "That lends itself very well to a variety of applications." he added.

Prakash said the most immediate application might involve turning the computer into a high-throughput chemistry and biology laboratory. Instead of running reactions in bulk test tubes, each droplet can carry some chemicals and become its own test tube, and the droplet computer offers unprecedented control over these interactions.

Source: Mumbai Mirror

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1 May 2015

Wearable Tech can be made using Inkjet printers

On 5/01/2015
Researchers have found a new way to use inkjet printing technology to produce electronic circuits made of liquid metal alloys for soft robots and flexible electronics. However, new manufacturing techniques must be developed before soft machines become commercially feasible, said Rebecca Kramer, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Purdue University. 

"We want to create stretchable electronics that might be compatible with soft machines, such as robots that need to squeeze through small spaces, or wearable technologies that aren't restrictive of motion," she said. 

A new manufacturing approach focuses on using inkjet printing to create devices made of liquid alloys. "This process now allows us to print flexible and stretchable conductors onto anything, including elastic materials and fabrics," Kramer said.


 Ultrasound is used to make the printable ink by dispersing the liquid metal in a non-metallic solvent, the ultrasound breaks up the bulk liquid metal into nanoparticles and this nanoparticle-filled ink is compatible with inkjet printing. 

"Liquid metal in its native form is not inkjetable," Kramer said. "So what we do is create liquid metal nanoparticles that are small enough to pass through an inkjet nozzle. Sonicating liquid metal in a carrier solvent, such as ethanol, both creates the nanoparticles and disperses them in the solvent. Then we can print the ink onto any substrate. The ethanol evaporates away so we are just left with liquid metal nanoparticles on a surface." 

The nanoparticles must be rejoined after printing and this is achieved by applying light pressure, which renders the material conductive. This step is necessary because the liquid metal nanoparticles are initially coated with oxidised gallium, which acts as a skin that prevents electrical conductivity. 

"But it's fragile, so when you apply pressure it breaks the skin and everything coalesces into one uniform film," Kramer said. "We can do this either by stamping or by dragging something across the surface, such as the sharp edge of a silicon tip" she added.

The process could make it possible to rapidly mass-produce large quantities of the film. Future research will explore how the interaction between the ink and the surface being printed on might be instrumental in the production of specific types of devices. 

"For example, how do the nanoparticles orient themselves on hydrophobic versus hydrophilic surfaces? How can we formulate the ink and exploit its interaction with a surface to enable self-assembly of the particles?" Kramer said. 

The researchers will also study and model how individual particles rupture when pressure is applied, providing information that could allow the manufacture of ultrathin traces and new types of sensors.

Source: Mumbai Mirror

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1 April 2015

How to find DC and AC equivalents of BJT amplifier circuit

On 4/01/2015
BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) is usually used in transistor circuits for amplification of voltage or current. It operates with both AC and DC voltages. AC signal is the signal which is amplified and the DC voltage is used for biasing of the transistor. Since the the components behave differently for DC and AC signals, therefore different methods are used for the analysis of the circuit.

The simplest and most widely used method is using the DC and AC equivalents. In this method the original amplifier circuit is converted to DC and AC equivalents and then the voltages and currents in both the circuits are calculated using KCL( Kirchoffs current law) or KVL (Kirchoffs voltage law) and then using the superposition theorem the final values are obtained.

Additional information

KCL: The algebraic sum of currents in a network of conductors meeting at a point is zero.

KVL: The sum of the emfs in any closed loop is equivalent to the sum of the potential drops in that loop.

Superposition theorem: For a linear system the response (voltage or current) in any branch of a bilateral linear circuit having more than one independent source equals the algebraic sum of the responses caused by each independent source acting alone, where all the other independent sources are replaced by their internal impedances.

Simple BJT amplifier circuit

Source: www.pcbheaven.com

DC Equivalent

  • All the capacitors in the circuit are replaced by an open circuit.
  • The AC sources present in the circuit are grounded.
Source: www.pcbheaven.com
With reference to the above given circuit, the capacitors Cin and Cout becomes open and the Input AC source is grounded.

 Simplified circuit :
Source: www.pcbheaven.com

AC equivalent

  • All the capacitors are replaced by short circuit.
  • The DC sources present in the circuit are grounded.
Source: www.pcbheaven.com
With reference to the original amplifier circuit, the capacitors Cin and Cout becomes short and the DC source Vcc gets grounded.

Simplified circuit:

Source: www.pcbheaven.com

Since the original circuit is converted to its AC and DC equivalent, hence it is ready for analysis.

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28 March 2015

A wearable device that will help the visually impaired avoid collision

On 3/28/2015
The researchers of U.S.A  have created a wearable device that can be used to detect objects around people with peripheral vision, which would help the to walk freely without any collisions.The loss in peripheral vision  occurs due to  retinitis, pigmentosa, glaucoma, or brain injury. These people  often face mobility challenges and increased likelihood of falls and collisions. 

As therapeutic vision restoration treatments are still under development, rehabilitation can only be achieved using  assisting technologies which are  alternatives for overcoming mobility challenges related to vision loss. Researchers from Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Schepens Eye Research Institute used an obstacle course to evaluate a wearable collision warning device they developed for patients with peripheral vision loss. 

They found that this device may help patients with a wide range of vision loss to avoid collisions with high-level obstacles. Their findings are featured on Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (IOVS). 

The senior author Gang Luo, Associate Scientist at Mass. Eye and Ear/Schepens, and Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School said that "We developed this pocket-sized collision warning device, which can predict impending collisions based on time to collision rather than proximity. It gives warnings only when the users approach to obstacles, not when users stand close to objects and not when moving objects just pass by. So, the auditory collision warnings given by the device are simple and intuitively understandable. 

We tested the device in a density obstacle course to evaluate its effect on collision avoidance in people with peripheral vision loss. To show its beneficial effect, we compared the patients' mobility performance with the device and without it. Just demonstrating the device can give warning for obstacles in walking would not prove the device is useful. We have to compare with a baseline, which is walking without the device in this case." 

Twenty five patients with tunnel vision or hemianopia completed the obstacle course study and the number of collisions and walking speed were measured. Compared to walking without the device, collisions were reduced significantly by about 37 per cent with the device and walking speed barely changed. No patient had more collisions when using the device than when not using it. 

Luo also said that they are excited about the device's potential value for helping visually impaired and completely blind people walk around safely and  their next job will be  to test its usefulness in patients' daily lives in a clinical trial study," .

Source: Mumbai Mirror
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27 March 2015

Stickers that are invisible even to infrared cameras

On 3/27/2015
Squid are the ultimate camouflage artists, blending almost flawlessly with their backgrounds so that unsuspecting prey can't detect them. Squids achieve this feet by using a protein that make them  to blend into the backgroundUsing that protein  scientists have designed "invisibility stickers" that could one day help soldiers disguise themselves, even when sought by enemies with infrared cameras. 

The researchers will present their work at the 249th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS). 

"Soldiers wear uniforms with the familiar green and brown camouflage patterns to blend into foliage during the day, but under low light and at night, they're still vulnerable to infrared detection," explains Alon Gorodetsky. "We've developed stickers for use as a thin, flexible layer of camo with the potential to take on a pattern that will better match the soldiers' infrared reflectance to their background and hide them from active infrared visualisation."To make this a reality Gorodetsky of the University of California at Irvine turned to squid skin for inspiration. Squid skin features unusual cells known as iridocytes, which contain layers or platelets composed of a protein called reflectin. 

The animal uses a biochemical cascade to change the thickness of the layers and their spacing. This in turn affects how the cells reflect light and thus, the skin's coloration. Gorodetsky's group coaxed bacteria to produce reflectin and then coated a hard substrate with the protein. To induce structural - and light-reflecting - changes just like those of iridocytes, the film needed some kind of trigger. 

An initial search revealed that acetic acid vapors could cause the film to swell and disappear when viewed with an infrared camera. But these conditions won't work for soldiers in the field. "What we were doing was the equivalent of bathing the film in acetic acid vapors - essentially exposing it to concentrated vinegar," Gorodetsky says. "That is not practical for real-life use." 

Now Gorodetsky has fabricated reflectin films on conformable polymer substrates, effectively sticky tape one might find in any household. This tape can adhere to a range of surfaces including cloth uniforms, and its appearance under an infrared camera can be changed by stretching, a mechanical trigger that might more realistically be used in military operations.Although the technology isn't ready for field use just yet, he envisions soldiers or security personnel could one day carry in their packs a roll of invisibility stickers that they could cover their uniforms with as needed. 

Gorodetsky says that some major challenges remain. The team will have to figure out how to increase the brightness of the stickers and get multiple stickers to respond in the same way at the same time, as part of an adaptive camouflage system. 

He's also working on ways to make the stickers more versatile. The current version reflects near-infrared light. Gorodetsky's team is continuing to tweak the materials, so variants of the stickers could also work at mid- and far-infrared wavelengths. 

These could have applications for thwarting thermal infrared imaging. They also could have uses outside the military - for example, in clothing that can selectively trap or release body heat to keep people comfortable in different environments.

Source: Mumbai Mirror

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